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Talk Africa, 28/03/2017
"It is the dry season in Ghana’s Kumasi, the country’s second largest traffic hub, has over 250 kilometers of dusty road in the north-west. It is also the commercial, industrial and cultural capital of the ancient Ashanti Empire, kingdom..."
, 02/03/2017
"Il verde brillante dei campi di tè e caffè è il panorama che si scorge quando, lasciando la capitale Nairobi, ci si dirige verso nord per raggiungere la contea di Meru, una delle provincie più produttiv..."
"Le paysage que vous allez rencontrer durant les cinq heures de route qui vous permettent de relier Nairobi au Comté de Meru, l’une des réserves alimentaires du Kenya, est d’un vert luxuriant. Alors que chaque semence devrait donner au..."
Talk Africa, 02/03/2017
"The lush green is the scenery you encounter as you take the 5-hour drive from Nairobi to Meru County, one of the food baskets of Kenya. While every seed should give the farmers of this region good yields and produce a good harvest, low crop..."
El Paìs Planeta Futuro,
"Predecir el rendimiento agrícola, elegir las plantaciones más rentables y planificar el futuro de los cultivos es el sueño de muchos campesinos, que gracias a la posibilidad de monitorear los terrenos desde lo alto podría hacerse realid..."
Wired Italy, 29/09/2016
"Scegliere le piantagioni più redditizie e pianificare il futuro della propria azienda facendosi un’idea del potenziale dei propri terreni. È il sogno di molti contadini, e la possibilità di monitorare i campi dall’alto potrebbe aiu..."
"Prédire le rendement des cultures, choisir les variétés les plus rentables et planifier l’avenir de leur entreprise : c’est le rêve de beaucoup d’agriculteurs. La possibilité de surveiller d’en haut toutes les terres pourrait s..."
Talk Africa, 16/05/21016
"Cheptais is a village in Kenya’s Western Province , in a borderland with few connections to the region’s main cities. Uganda is just beyond the mountains, only twelve kilometers away, and the villagers periodically travel there on foot ..."
L'Espresso, 16/05/2016
"In un villaggio dove il virus Hiv e una guerra fratricida hanno decimato la popolazione giovane, un programma aiuta le donne rimaste a coltivare i campi ed entrare nel mercato. Come? Con cellulari, computer e applicazioni che le..."
Le Quotidien, 18/05/2016
"Dans le village de Cheptais, situé dans le Kenya occidental, les paysannes ont intégré les Tic pour développer leur production agricole. Ce reportage a été réalisé dans le cadre du projet Agritools, avec le soutien du European journ..."
La Directa, 13/05/2016
"Les noves tecnologies faciliten l'empoderament d'una comunitat de camperoles a Kenya, afectada pels intermediaris i el sistema patriarcal.
Cheptais és un poble a la província occidental de l'oest de Kenya, en una zona fronterera escass..."
La vie sénégalaise, 24/05/2016
"Dans le village de Cheptais, situé dans le Kenya occidental, les paysannes ont intégré les Tic pour développer leur production agricole. Ce reportage a été réalisé dans le cadre du projet Agritools, avec le soutien du Europe..."
e-agriculture, 05/05/2016
"Animal health is the biggest restriction to improving productivity of livestock in Ghana, where myriad of local diseases restrict animal productivity and cause high mortality rates. This is a result of reluctance by smallh..."
e-agriculture, 27/04/2016
"Farmers in Kenya are unable to realize full potential from their businesses due to lack of training. For the youth to engage in productive farming and improve their livelihoods they need to get access to affordable agricultural training. Ma..."
e-agriculture, 18/04/2016
"Mediae Company, that focuses on Media for Education and Development in Africa, has successfully broadcasted a tailor made farming show to the East African Countries. The broadcast progr..."
e-agriculture, 05/04/2016
"Kakamega county is a high populated zone with wonderful weather conditions and well surrounded with tropical rain forest in Kenya. Poultry keeping in Kakamega county was taken as a cultural practice during ancient time of our ancestors, but..."
Ypard, 24/04/2016
"The Mediae , a company that focuses on Media for Education and Development in Africa, has successfully broadcasted a tailor made farming show to the East African Countries.
The bro..."
Ypard, 01/08/2016
"<< Aywajieune >> est la première plateforme sénégalaise de mise en relation, d’annonces et de ventes de produits halieutiques (poissons et fruits de mer). Cette plateforme permet aux vendeurs et acheteurs qui rencontrent d..."
L'Espresso, 02/10/2015
"Grazie all’ict i piccoli coltivatori che prima non potevano permettersi l’accesso al credito bancario possono ottenere finanziamenti per sviluppare la loro attività. Ecco come funziona...."
ElPais Planeta Futuro, 03/09/2015
"En el condado de Kakamega, situado en el occidente de Kenia, febrero es el mes de la sequía. A los lados del camino, las hojas y las plantas están cubiertas de una espesa capa de polvo rojo, levantado por los numerosos boda-boda o moto ta..."
Le Monde, 04/08/2015
"La banlieue de Dakar s’étale et dévoile des constructions délabrées et colorées. Les constructions, ici, doivent leurs formes aux activités informelles qu’elles abritent : la distribution alimentaire et la revente au détail const..."
Le Monde, 04/08/2015
"Des mutations extraordinaires se produisent sur le continent africain et l’innovation technologique est l’un des protagonistes de ce changement. Durant des décennies, les ONG et autres institutions internationales, les gouvernements, e..."
e-agriculture, 14/07/2015
"This week we are still in Senegal and we want to share with you some findings related to the Senegalese ICT sector and the challenges and possibilities for youth to launch a start up in Senegal in the primary sector. ..."
IAFRIKAN, 14/07/2015
"To better understand the AgriTech scene in one of the most vibrant countries in West Africa, the Agritools project met Yann Lebeux, Catalyst at CTIC of Dakar, focuses on entrepreneurship support programs and technology transfers...."
IAFRIKAN, 01/07/2015
"A recent report published by the Africa Progress Panel affirms that the agricultural sector has the greatest potential to uplift the African economy and to address global food shortages, and other research has made similar claims. Mobile te..."
e-agriculture, 20/06/2015
"Today we share with you a really interesting project of Thiendella Fall (Tanor for the friends), a young Senegalese guy who had a great idea in the field of education, agriculture and ICTs. We met him in Senegal and he submitted his story t..."
-, 10/07/2015
"Sooretul, che in wolof significa “non troppo lontano”, è un progetto lanciato nel 2014 da una startup di ragazze senegalesi con l’obiettivo di fornire uno spazio online alle donne impegnate nella trasformazione di frutti e cereali lo..."
e-agriculture, 15/06/2015
"As explained in the previous post, the Agritools project started its research activities in Wageningen (The Netherlands), where our team met several experts from the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA)...."
ElPais Planeta Futuro, 11/06/2015
"Amadou Sow pertenece a una familia de pastores y criadores de ganado de la etnia peul en la región de Fatick, y es uno de los protagonistas de la revolución que está disminuyendo la brecha entre el mundo tradicional africano y el mundo d..."
e-agriculture, 01/06/2015
"Agritools is the first multimedia research project that try to explain how African tech innovations and technology-based startups are revolutionizing the agribusiness sector and promoting the development of cultural values and rural policie..."
Q CODE MAG, 29/05/2015
"Nella seconda tappa di Agritools si parla di giovani e agricoltura, con gli esperti del Technical Centre for Agriculture and Rural Cooperation (CTA) di Wageningen (Olanda), un centro di ricerca/azione tra i più importanti sulla scena mondi..."
-, 22/04/2015
"Per chi ancora pensa che i migranti africani stiano invadendo l’Europa e che l’Africa sia un unico grande continente disastrato dalle guerre e dai gruppi di terroristi islamici: si sbaglia di grosso...."
Q CODE MAG, 22/04/2015
"In quest’Africa che scorre veloce fuori dal finestrino, cartelloni pubblicitari offrono connessioni internet 4G e nuovi modelli di smartphone, segnando il paesaggio che scorre tra le principali metropoli del continente e i villaggi...."
ONG 2.0, 13/04/2015
"Prezzi dei prodotti alimentari sul mercato, tecniche di coltivazione, suggerimenti per l’allevamento del bestiame e transazioni finanziare tramite il telefono cellulare per promuovere l’inclusione finanziaria per gli agricoltori...."
L'Espresso, 17/03/2015
"Grazie a una piattaforma online, un gruppo di donne della banlieue di Dakar vendono prodotti alimentari realizzati con materie prime locali...."