Some weeks ago we visited Nandi Hills, in the Western Kenya.
A shocking green was waiting for us over there: the tea plantations are dominating the whole landscapes and for many kilometers you’ll be surrounded by a geometrical carpet of differen green shades.

The reason of our presence there is related to WeFarm, a “pioneering social enterprise” which aims toenable peer to peer knowledge sharing about agriculture between different producers around the world.
WeFarm was about to launch their SMS platform in different localities of the Nandi Hills region when we reached there with our car, were twenty farmers were waiting for the training in the shadow of a zibibo tree.

We had the opportunity to speak with Camille, the local coordinator of the project. At the same time, we were sharing feelings with the six young graduated students that were coordinating the meeting between WeFarm and the farmers. We made several interviews to women who do family farming and tea plantations and we were able to start some interesting discussions with them about the expected results of ICTs in agriculture for the local problems affecting the sector, especially for women.
WeFarm is a SMS system that allow farmers to ask and answer questions about agriculture; the cost for a message is the price of a local message and they can ask info about any issue or information concerning agriculture.
More details will be available soon in our Agritools platform!